Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

Here's to a peaceful year full of healing and love. In 2009 I'm gonna change the way I live. Vague, I know, but it's something I need to do. It feels like it's time to reconnect with things and people who are real. Last year I learned all about sitting and being quiet and listening to what I need. I learned to live in the moment and not fret about what was or what is coming. But though I learned it all I haven't put it to use in my life. I think it's time.

So here's to a good year ahead for everyone.

1 comment:

Kenzie Ryan said...

Ya know, I was feeling the exact same way last night. I called my mom yesterday just to talk, I never do that! I think this year, for everyone, we should all connect more. It's not good when everyone is all stuck up, and too pissed off at the world to enjoy their lives. :)

Happy New Year! And I hope it's going to be a great one!